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I think Jim Read caught a fly ball in the outfield.
The team returns to the dug-out after Jason catches an infield pop-fly.
Dave ices his arm after both Becky and Dave land on the DL.
George catches a force-out at first.
Jason hits a ball over the left-fielder's head.
Jason resting at third after hitting a triple.
Rick P. at third after hitting a triple.
Fran Derby looks on as Rick Palma hops on home, scoring the sixth run of the game.
George on first after making a single.
Molloy, hidden behind the ump.
The ump dusts off home plate after Molloy scores.
Dean trotting around third after belting a home run into center field.
Dean and Lisa celibrating at home after Dean's homerun.
Anahid ready to bat after Dean's homerun.
Winning team photo after the game.
Winning team photo after the game. (Shot #2)
A train rolls past the field in the distance after both teams have left the field. Andy is still sticking round for some odd reason.
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