Corbett Report #4 (Game 6)
Officially or Unofficially, Wolan is Touched in the Head
June 22, 2004
By Mike J. Corbett /
So I hear that "Umpire Steve" got drunk last night at the Old Forge because he didn't have the stomach to watch
last night's game. Probably a smart move, as there were enough blunders out there last night to comprise a
blooper reel. Plus, I hear he likes to fart in the catchers' faces too.
Well, I'd have to say my favorite
memory of the game was watching a lazy fly ball hit out in Mr. T's direction... you know the one where he froze
like a deer in Charlton Heston's headlights? It was reminiscent of something out of the Barry Bonds school of
outfielding where you let the ball do all the work. Not to be outdone, and boy I wish there was a picture of this,
Captain A-Wol had a nice face plant while rounding first later in the game. This was immediately followed by
screaming and a trip to the dugout. I didn't know you could just walk back into the dugout and change your
shoes in the middle of play. Outstanding! I'm bringing wing-tips next time for the team to use.
Wolan's dancing antics resembled MC Hammer and his Chinese Typewriter dance move
Then I
read something about Wolan doing a dance between first and second to distract the fielders? I'm not even
going to dignify that with a comment as it speaks for itself. Probably the most astute observation of the
evening was when a player for the JQS team jokingly mentioned that Wolan was “Not normal.” Couldn't have
said it better myself. Also, another JQS player mentioned that they “want what he [Andy] is having".
It's called crack... you can get it just about anywhere if you look hard enough. Well, anyways good luck
against that other GDAIS team. Just hit it to Hugger and you'll be alright.
Mike Corbett is a reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Softball or its clubs.