Corbett Report #5 (Game 7)
How I Learned to Love the Outfield Fence
June 25, 2004
By Mike J. Corbett /
Sparta versus Troy. Hatfields versus McCoys. Red Sox versus Yankees. Godzilla versus Mothra. Biggie versus Tupac. Sure, the GD-AIS/GD Avengers game has it's place (much lower) on the list of all-time rivalries, but those rivalries all lack one major component... Wolan crashing into a fence and falling down.
The toad Andy saw standing in front of his door as he returned home from the game. (Wolan)
Since I was not able to attend the game (as per usual), I am forced to comment on how I instead spent my evening at home with the missus, eating steak and mashed potatoes and watching Last Comic Standing... which was lovely. But then I come in to work and read another littany of "Wolan did this, Wolan did that, Wolan took two pictures of a toad outside of his apartment on the way home from the game" and then I'm forced to write about it. Scintillating.
And why does every game end in so much controversy? Can you tell me that? There's more complaining going on here than Paul O'Neill after he gets called out on strikes. If my last tally is correct, Wolan is appealing the last what? season? 5 games? They all seem to flow one into another. And while I'm thinking of it, here's another rule they should add to this league: if a woman bats after a man is intentionally walked, she's allowed to charge the mound. Not because it's wrong to walk somebody intentionally, but wouldn't you just want to see that? And it seems like something needs to be done about all of the injuries. I threw out my back just reading the game summary. When did softball become so dangerous? I'm heading for shelter until I hear about the results of Sunday's game.
Mike Corbett is a reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Softball or its clubs.