Corbett Report #6 (Game 8)
All I Need is One Mic
June 28, 2004
By Mike J. Corbett /
11-year old Becky Read at bat. She was 2 for 2 with two walks and 2 RBIs. (Wolan)
Well, this Sunday afternoon I had the choice of going to the softball game or watching Fahrenheit 9/11. Needless to say, I opted for the latter, as the only thing "controverisal" about the softball game ended up being "how do you score a hit versus a fielder's choice?" So after reading the latest game summary, the following thought occurred to me: Andy used the word "Wolan" in his report 34 times, not to mention one stretch where he uses it 7 times in the same paragraph. Go ahead, count it yourself. I'll give you a few minutes.... Corbett was not impressed
It sounds like things are getting desperate for the Avengers as it was time to bust out their new secret weapon, the little leaguers. Which is funny in itself, and then even funnier when you consider that one of them, a nine year old, was taking Ryan's spot on the roster. Corbett was still not impressed. I say for the next game, the team should go in the other direction and hit the retirement homes looking for some more additions to the roster. Maybe pinch hit for Rick Palma with oh, let's call her "Agnes". And then let the fun ensue! With all the other injuries going on out there, I'm sure "Agnes" would feel right at home on the bench with her bum hip along with the rest of the walking wounded.
And congratulations to the Wolan family for celebrating their 36th wedding anniversary. Many would choose to go somewhere nice, they came to Pittsfield to watch a softball game. Which is kinda sweet, I suppose. They should be commended for making it through the whole game. Corbett was still not impressed.
Mike Corbett is a reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Softball or its clubs.