Corbett Report #8 (Game 10)
Back up off the Canvas
July 12, 2004
By Mike J. Corbett /
The Legend of Ron Burgundy (Dreamworks)
What happens when you get knocked down? You come out swinging! Last week, Corbett Nation took a hit when his photo was ciculated and his anonymity was shattered. I first have to clarify that picture was taken about 5 years and 30 pounds ago... not to mention for some reason it's distorted and stretched out even wider (than usual). Now granted, some folks may think that big puffy cheeks are cute and just want to pinch them and squeeze them. I just thought the picture sucks. And now that my "spot" has been "blown up" so to speak, I'm going to have to figure out other new and innovative ways to be sneaky. So, if you ever see me at an Avengers game, I'll be the guy with the fake porno mustache... much like Will Ferrell in the new Anchorman movie. So what was this article supposed to be about, again? Softball? Oh yeah, that's right... that's what they're paying me for. Except that they don't pay me.
So I hear that the mercy rule was narrowly averted, which I don't know whether to take as a small victory or a large defeat. But speaking of small victories, I'm going through the game summary when I get to the following quote: "Becky commented that Wolan 'acted normal for a change', adding that A-WOL 'did not run into any fences or walls for a change.' Wolan had no comment". That's got to count for something right? Now if he goes out again and acts normal at the next game, that would have to be considered a winning streak, wouldn't it?
"Go to second, go to second" followed soon thereafter by "OH MY GOD NO!" was a hilariously fantastic transition.
Corbett comments on "The Harrison Tragedy". (Corbett.)
But I guess if Andy isn't actively doing it, it's up to someone else to step up and er, fall down. That dubious honor "fell" to one Dean Harrison. Now I don't know if it's quite the tragedy as it's called out in the game summary, but thank God somebody captured this on tape because this is the funniest recording I've heard in a while. I mean, hearing "go to second, go to second" followed soon thereafter by "OH MY GOD NO!" was a hilariously fantastic transition. Even better is when Dean referred to it as "Dean takes a Retarded Crab walk". I so wish I was there.
As for this new multimedia portion of the website, I couldn't be more titilated. What a fantastic idea! I've actually got some requests for content for the site, but I'm probably going to have to keep that on the DL for now (she's not exactly street legal, if you know what I mean). One last comment on content while I'm thinking of it.... am I really winning a prize everytime I click on the link to the message board? I've been congratulated more times than a father on the day of his daughter's wedding. Where do I collect?
Mike Corbett is a reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Softball or its clubs.