Corbett Report #10 (Game 12)
More Cowbell
July 20, 2004
By Mike J. Corbett /
I've got a fever... and the only prescription.... is more cowbell!
Corbett and several team members looks on as Rochelle catches. (Wolan.)
Usually, this is where I tell you that I just got finished reading the game summary and that I'm ready to offer my thoughts on the game. But today I didn't need to. I was there baby! I was SO there! Making his debut this season... the one, the only, "the" Corbett. (When did my first name become a definite article, anyway?) And you all thought I didn't exist. I wanted to thank all of my new friends for the warm welcome last night as well as my man Ryan for giving up his position for a couple of innings so that I could get some licks in. I was excited to be there, for sure, but when it was time to step in between the lines, it was "Game on, motherf**kers!" Or something like that.
So, I guess I can't get too upset by the fact that we lost by about 20 runs last night as Comfort Controls made our collective lives uncomfortable. I know I at least had a good time, even if I did commit a throwing error and went 0-for-2 from the plate. I thought I had least had that hit in my second at bat, but what can you do, you know? Prior to that at bat, I thought I did hear somebody say "Do something juicy for the Corbett report!", which I thought was pretty cool. Sorry I let you all down on that one. I'm also sorry that I missed out on what sounded like beer (or fruit juice) drinking in the audio files (and you're damn straight Wolan, I did listen to it!). Maybe if I had known there was delicious Triscuit crackers, I would have shown up.
Rick and Jim M. are banged-up after colliding on an infield pop-fly. Jim. M. made the catch. (Wolan.)
But hey, it's not all about me. I think the scariest thing I saw is an infield popup involving Rick, Ryan, and Jim Misseldine. I didn't know who was going to catch it, but one thing I could guarantee... Rick was going to get plowed. And this was after taking a line drive off his leg, the poor bastard. That guy needs some EMTs following him around the field at all times. On the Andy front, I guess you would have to say he was well behaved. He has a tendency to scream at the players for no apparent reason, but I suppose you could chalk it up to being overstimulated. Or maybe the methamphetamines. I don't know what drug caused him to send Special K home on a shallow fly ball that was caught.. maybe some valium or other substance that makes you drowsy.
On a final note.. I'm seriously thinking about this mailbag idea. That's of course, if anybody gives a rat's ass. But, if you feel so inclined, send your questions or comments to Michael.Corbett [at] gd-ais [d0t] com and I will try to field them... at least field them better than I was last night.
Mike Corbett is a reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Softball or its clubs.