Corbett Report #12 (Playoffs)
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
August 10, 2004
By Mike J. Corbett /
I actually wasn't going to write this article. The season was over... the team disbanded... there was nothing left for me to do. Of course, Wolan was bugging me every day to write something, anything about the playoffs to appease my devoted fanbase. Then of course, he had to convince me that I had a devoted fanbase. I'm serious. I was under the assumption that people somewhat sporadically read my stuff, but never for a moment did I believe that I had a fanbase. Of course, Wolan could have made all this up, thus making my point moot.
Unlike some people, Banzi's Mr. Shake Hands Man is always willing to give a friendly greeting. (FOX / Comedy Central)
What can I say about the playoffs that hasn't already been said about jock itch? It was there for one day, it was terribly annoying, and now it's over with. So I hear. As I was out of town, enjoying the amusements that the greater Buffalo area had to offer, I was not able to watch the team run the gamut from deflating defeat to exhilirating victory to drenched and soggy defeat. Three games in one day? I get upset when I have to walk across the room to turn on the tv when the remote flakes out and stops working. And from the team photo, I could see that the games were well attended... except for that they weren't. 10 players for 3 games.. that is some hardcore $#it right there.
Did I hear right that the umpire refused to shake Andy's hand after he refused to call the third game off? What is it with Andy's string of "handshaking incidents"? This post-game handshaking tradition is turning into something that might cause post-traumatic stress syndrome. I feel like I need to start shaking his hand at work so that he won't end up needing countless hours of therapy to get over the fact that not everybody is out to get him. Of course, it's not really paranoia if they _really_ are out to get you.
And what's with the game not getting called in the first place? It seems like by the time the game ended, the field was soup. Were you all playing "prison rules" softball that day? Nobody brought a shiv to the field though, I hope. When it comes to myself and rain, I get one drop of water on me and I turn into a hunchback trying to protect myself, screaming "Sanctuary! Sanctuary!" as I run away. I don't know how you all did it. Well, I know how you did it. You got soaked is what you did. The question is really... how did you keep dry? Lots and lots of towels... and maybe some light canoodling in the dugout? Which canoodle couple were you in? The answer might surprise me.
Which canoodle couple were you in? The answer might surprise me.
Corbett comments what the players might have done to keep warm... in the downpour. (Corbett.)
So, as the sun sets on what seemed like a fun softball season (at least from afar), I guess I'm left with one question. Am I done? Should I still be writing this column? What the hell would I talk about? "Today, Andy did the cutest thing at work..." I don't know. I suppose I could think of something. Somebody even sent me something for the mailbag. Maybe I'll get around to it sometime when I'm totally hammered. That would probably be for the best. Nothing like answering questions completely drunk and then trying to decipher what you wrote again the next day. Well, for those of you who made it this far through the column, I'll see you around like a jelly doughnut. It's been nice getting to meet all of you!
Mike Corbett is a reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Softball or its clubs.