Game 6: Ump-less Outting
Sloppy game play and some good JQS glove work leads to a 16-5 GD-A lose. But are the results official?
June 22, 2004
By Andrew Wolan /
Fielders getting into position. (Wolan/AP)
For the first time this season, the GD-A bench was packed with extra players. Not only did the bench contain some extra male players but it contained some new extra female players as well. However, this surplus of extra players placed extra burden on coach Wolan’s shoulders, making it difficult to assignment fielding positions.
The JQS offense was able to take advantage of some sloppy game play by both the GD-A defense and offence while at the same time flexed some excellent glove work to keep the GD-A sluggers unproductive. Though the Avengers were outscored 16-4, the game was played without an umpire. Whether or not the game results are official is unknown as of the time of this writing.
The Bench
For the first time this season, the GD-A bench was packed deep with both male and female players. This surplus of players was due to the reactivation of 4 players from the DL, the recruitment of a few new female players, and the return of Jim Misseldine.
However, with the return of so many players from the DL and the introduction of a few new faces, it was difficult for the skipper to form a roster. Wolan, eager to learn the abilities of the new players, had to juggle-in playtime for the reactivated players as well. In the end, the surplus of players worked against Wolan as he struggled to keep the roster in check.
New Faces
New to the team for Game 6 were Danielle Brenna, Lisa Houghtin and Jim Misseldine. Both Danielle and Lisa are inexperienced players, but are willing to learn and try-out for the team. Danielle started the game as an outfield replacement for Kristen while Lisa was a no-show.
Also new to the line-up was the return of Jim Misseldine. Jim, an experience player softball player, has been away on vacation for the first 2 weeks of the season. Jim has past experience in men’s slow-pitch softball and brings to the club some good fielding experience and a decent bat. Tonight ‘s game marks Jim’s first appear with the Avengers this season.
Game Summary
The game started 30 minutes late as both clubs waited for the arrival of an umpire. When it became certain that no umpire was going to show-up, the managers of both clubs meet. They agreed to play a game in which the task of umpiring would be shared by both clubs. The strike-zone was to be expanded to encourage hitting and all close plays were to be redone if no mutual judgment could be reached.
On the mound for the Avengers was the Avenger’s ace pitcher Rick Palma. JQS quickly got on the board in the first with 2 runs. The Avengers responded with two runs in the bottom of that inning. The response could have been more if it weren’t for some poor base running by leadoff hitting Rick Palma. After Rick scored a bloop hit into right field, he was mistakenly told to proceed to second by the GD-A bench. A confused Rick Palma made a half-hearted attempt to second and was easy pray to the quick JQS outfielder.
In the second, some great Avenger fielding made quick work of the JQS line-up and netted a quick 1-2-3 innings for the Avengers. Dean Harrison then started the GD-A second with a triple into center field. However, the Avengers failed to capitalize on a strong defending second and a no-out triple and ended the second with Dean stranded on third.
Team checks-out Harrison after he is injuried on a diving catch attempt. (Wolan/AP)
In the third, Dean Harrison was injured making a catch in left field. The cleat-less Harrison slipped on some wet grass while attempting to make a diving catch in left field. He injured his hand in the fall while banging-up his body in the process. Ironically, he was able to make a good backhanded toss to second from the ground to keep the base runner from advancing, even though he was in pain. (Now that’s effort!) He was replaced first with Mr. T and then Jim Misseldine. JQS then scratched together 3 runs to take a 4-1 lead, thanks in part to a fielding error by Mr. T who froze on a hit out in his direction.
In bottom of the third, Wolan lead off the inning with an infield hit. While attempting to round second, the cleat-less Wolan slipped on some wet grass and took a hard fall on his wrist. Mr. T pitched-ran for Wolan while he shook-off the injury. Though Rick followed Wolan with a single of this own, the Avengers were once against unable to score the base runners with no outs, stranding Mr. T and Rick. It wasn’t as if they didn’t try: Mr. T’s inexperience with the game prevented him from scoring on a Molloy outfield fly-ball.
The fourth inning saw both teams making easy work of each other. Some great JQS out fielding robbed Jason of a triple down the left field line. In the fifth, JQS hammered away five more runs to take a 9-1 lead. GD-A was able to respond thanks to two fielding errors by JQS and an infield hit, that drove home Jim Read on a fielder’s choose. The come-back was haulted thanks to some great fielding that took away a base-hit from Molloy.
There was a questionable play at second in which Wolan was called out at second on that play. The GD-A bench did not challenge that nor did they ask for a replay, as agreed upon before the game.
Much like in the fourth, the sixth inning saw both teams make quick work of each other. Palma netted a strike-out in that inning while some glove work In the seventh, JQS took advantage of a hole at second to slap-in 6 more runs.
The Avengers came back and started a mini-rally. Becky scored on a bloop hit to right field by Wolan. Wolan, dancing erratically between first and second, bought the base runnings time to advance while putting on a show. A player for the JQS team jokingly mentioned that Wolan was “Not normal.” Wolan smiled replied that it was a complement. Another JQS player mentioned that they “want what he [Andy] is having”.
The rally continued, but it was cut short as Molloy flied out to right to end the game.
The Avengers, with their sluggers kept at bay due to some good glove work, took home a 16-5 lose.
But are the results official?
After the game, Wolan spoke with an umpire after the game, who shall be known as “Umpire Ed”. When asked about why JQS vs. GD-A game did not have an umpire, Umpire Ed responded tat “Umpire Steve” was scheduled to umpire our game. He was puzzled as to why Umpire Steve failed to show-up.
As to whether the game was official, Umpire Ed gave the impression that the results were not official and that the Softball Complex would be obligated to reschedule the game. Furthermore, Umpire Ed said he would either judge the game both team or force Umpire Steve to referee the game.
Wolan mentioned he would like to have the game rescheduled, but is unsure as to how to proceed. As of this writing, it is unclear whether the games results are official or will be thrown-out and a new game rescheduled.
Game Photos |
Fielding and Batting Line-Ups |
GD-A Player Stats from Game 6 |
Corbett Report for Game 6
Andy Wolan is a reporter for This story was not subject to the approval of Major League Softball or its clubs.